Sunday, February 8, 2009

In Case You Were Wondering...

My name is Marie, and I am a teacher by heart and by trade. I taught 3rd grade, then fell into Kindergarten for 12 years. I am a self-taught techno geek, and find it fairly addictive to learn new things on the computer. Early on, if you asked me what kind of computer I had, I would have said a shade of biege, almost taupe-y. I figured out web design, and did that at the school level, then trained high school students at the Shultz Center for Education. I worked at the Florida DOE as a consultant for a few years, then moved to the wonderland of the Florida Center for Reading Research. I had two beautiful daughters who happened to be born on the same day, and now they are 5 and off in Kindergarten on their own. Now my education begins again, as I learn to teach, and teach to learn. Educational Technology Teacher--This is gonna be fun!

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